
アミティースクールニュース アミティースクールニュースAmity School News


New Smiles

This Tuesday I had the delight of welcoming a new student to my classes.
Baby `K` is the youngest of my students yet, He and mom took a trial lesson with me a week ago and right away we had so much fun together.

K can`t quite sit up on his own yet, but that doesn`t stop him from crawling and squirming his way across the room to explore everything.
K is playful and curios and I`m sure he will pick up the pattern for lessons in no time.
I was excited to learn as well that Mom had gone to high school in Australia and we`ll have plenty to talk about during and after classes together.

-Jordan Sensei



教室につくなり、'A cat!'と見てきたものを英語で教えてくれます!
また、レッスン内でも、'It's a taxi.'や'Yes/No'など、単語や返事を英語でしっかり答えることができます。
"Open"や"Not yet"など、日常会話も積極的にリピートして使えます!



Telling Stories

Today I`d like to highlight one of my most enthusiastic students,

`S` is in jr high school and always pushing herself in every lesson to use as much English as possible, her grammar is very good and she has showed to be very interested in stories.
as part of our warm up each lesson we tell each other stories in English, I have learned about so many Japanese myths and monsters from her!
This week in class we learned how to talk about more parts of stories and I new as soon as I saw the lesson that `S` would be so excited for this unit.
She has come so far in the past year and she really seems to have fun in class, which makes me happy.

-Jordan Sensei






Unexpected Treats

This week I have taught a few classes I normally would not, including little baby `K` on Tuesday Morning.

Because I have not spoken to K before, I expected her to be nervous and shy in class, maybe even a little upset, but K is confident and bold and absolutely sweet as pie.

she and Mom had lots of fun repeating back the English in class and even figured out how to answer one of the questions all on her own, and at the end of class, after our goodbye song, little K ran up and gave me a lovely, squeezy hug and even let me pick her up.

She was so excited to play and talk in class even with a teacher she didn`t know, it was such a treat!

-Jordan Sensei



レッスンでは、"What 〇〇 do you like?"や"Which do you like better?"の文章発話を行っております。
答えの文としては"I like ~."ですが、プライベートレッスンなのでもう一つ踏み込んでその理由を答えてもらっています。




Funny Voices and Bonding moments.

Over the past year, I have bonded with a lot of my students, but one of the closest bonds I have formed with my adult student "M".
She is a warm, friendly, generous and very sweet lady, who never fails to make our lessons funny, and lively. She does both interactive and conversation classes with me. Watching her improvement has been so rewarding! She engages well with the material on all fronts and always pushes herself to do her best for every and all exercises I give her. Whether it's in interactive or conversation class. She tries very hard to use as much English as she can and has taught me a few Japanese phrases and expressions.

We have even bumped into each other in Kure and in Hiroshima a few times and have caught the train home together. Last week during classes, she mentioned that one of the voices in the video said "That's boring" but it was so high pitched that she couldn't understand what she was saying. She mimicked the voice and made me laugh so hard! That tone has now become our way of saying a few things to each other! It has been quite fun actually!

I'm looking forward to our next funny bonding moment!

-Khanya (Kay) Sensei

Words on Walls

I`m sure anyone who has walked past the school has seen it by now.
Our writing challenge for first, second and third graders continues on and every day we see our students turning in their best efforts.

In the last few weeks I have had students go from turning in the occaisional messily written page, crumpled in their bag, to multiple pages at once, written with the utmost care and turned in protected in a plastic sheets.

Many students take great pride in their writing work and it will be the first thing they show me when we get to class, and of course I am very proud to put those up on the window for everyone else to admire. I look forward to the end of the challenge when we can give them back their own little book that they wrote, a treasure for them to keep.

-Jordan Sensei

Happy Birthday!

My baby classes never fail to bring a smile to my face every week. From singing, or saying their first clear English words.
There are always memorable moments. My student "K" on fridays is one of the most interesting students I have.
He is very expressive, even if he is silent. His personality is so much fun and he is always so stylish!

He is so responsive to the material and my instructions.
He puts away when asked, shares props with mommy and opens/closes his book very well.
"K" says or points to colours, fruit, baby signs, body parts and shapes!
He is so smart and tries his best to say all the English he learns in class!
He even tries to mimic the faces on the feelings cards!

Yesterday was his birthday and I wanted to say Happy Second Birthday to a wonderful and bright student!

- Khanya (Kay) Sensei

Out and About

on Tuesday I had a wonderful encounter!

I ran into one of my Saturday students on my way to work, she spotted me from across the walkway and ran over to say hello.
sweet little `F` is a very bright and enthusiastic student every week and I can see now that she practices all the time!
She was very pleased to tell me she drew a strawberry that day, and she saw snow! she was so happy to see me and tell me about her day,
and Mom looked so delighted watching her run around and chatter in English.

I hope that all of our students find English so exciting.

-Jordan Sensei