
アミティースクールニュース アミティースクールニュースAmity School News


Safe Summer Tips

Summer is always a time for Sun and Fun! But we must be careful and take care in the Summer heat! Here are some tips to make sure your Summer days cool and easy!

1. Always have an Umbrella! Umbrellas are not just useful for the rain, they can help block out sun rays.

2. Use Sunscreen! Making sure your skin is protected from the sun is very important! Don't let your skin burn!

3 Drink lots of water! Staying hydrated will help you stay energized and protect you from getting sick during the hot summer days!

4. Try and stay cool! Don't spend too many hours in the hot sun! It is important to cool your body down and regulate your temperature!

Summer days are always better, when you don't have to fight with the weather!
Have a Cool Summer Everyone!

Inviting someone out

Summer is a time to go out and have fun, so here are some useful phrases

`would you like to go~~~`

`I`ll meet you at(time/location)`

`I`m going to ~~~, would you like to come too?`

`That sound fun!`

`sorry, but I can`t

There`s many ways to say it, but it all means `let`s have fun together!`

Idiom of the day

Today's idiom of the day is about the summer time:

What does it mean?
To do something while you still have a chance, because things may not last very long.

This summer themed idiom, reminds us to grab every opportunity that comes our way! Be confident and remember that nothing lasts forever and we must be grateful for the present!

On this day in History

Many interesting things have happened on July 16th throughout history, lets take a look!

in 1661, England introduced the first banknotes, early paper money that led to the money we use now

in 1880, Dr Emily Stowe became the first woman licensed to practice medicine in Canada

in 1965 the Mont Blanc tunnel opened, connecting France and Italy through the mountains

in 1969 Apollo 11 lifted of, in just four days time, Humans would walk on the moon for the first time!

What an eventful day July 16 is! do you know of any more interesting events?

Festival Fun with English

With a few upcomming festivals and events this month and next, here are a few interesting English sayings that talk about enjoying large gatherings, festivals or events.

1. "The more the merrier!" - the more people there are, the more enjoyable the event will be.
2. "Let your hair down!" - not be too serious and have fun!
3. "Be there with bells on" - to be eager and more than happy to do something or go somewhere.
4. "Prezzies/Pressies" - Presents or gifts.
5. "whale of a time" - A very very good time!

Lets enjoy all the upcoming festivals and events! I hope everyone has a whale of a time!

Celebrating Summer

It`s very hot now, so our minds turn to summer fun, lets see how Summer is celebrated around the world!

In Japan, as you know, there are many festivals in summer, and many people play with Hanabi, Fireworks. Going to the beach and eating watermelon are also very popular.

In America Summer Vacation gives children three months with no school! many like to travel for vacation, but most people spend the time playing with friends or working part-time jobs

In Australia, Summer vacation is in December and January! Visiting the local pool or one of Australia`s many beaches is very popular, people also like to have a BBQ at the park and play sport with friends and family.

how are you going to spend your summer vacation?

Idiom of the day

Today's idiom of the day is:

What does it mean?
A person who copies another's behaviour, fashion, or ideas.

A funny way of saying someone is copying you or the things you do! Have you met someone who does that?
English has a lot of idioms that use animals...Can you think of one?

Did you Know?

It`s time for more fun facts about the English language.

Did you know?
only two words in the English language use -gry as an ending, Angry and Hungry

Did you know?
Go! is a complete and grammatically correct sentence, the shortest one possible in English

Did you know?
S is the most common letter to start a word with

Did you know?
The longest English word without a true vowel (a, e, i, o or u) is "rhythm".

And Much More!

Phrases for the Weather

During the summer, It gets very hot but also very humid... How do English people describe this kind of weather?

1. "It's muggy!" - unpleasantly hot and humid!
2. "It's boiling outside" - The temperature is so high outside, it's like we are boiling hot!
3. "It must be 100 degrees in the shade" - It's so hot, it's even hot in the shaded parts.
4. "It's sticky" - It is humid.
5. "Roasting" - It's so hot, you feel like a chicken roating on a fire...

How did you find the weather this week?
Let's hope it doesnt't get too humid and hot today!

Fun English Phrases

English has some funny idioms and phrases that many native speakers don`t think about, Here`s a few for you.

1. The Elephant in the Room

not a literal elephant, thankfully, but something big and obvious that no one is talking about, I wonder why?

2. Go Bananas

To go absolutely crazy and over the top, either with excitement or anger, not too sure where this phrase come from.

3.Pour your heart into it

To give it your absolute best effort and all your care, to put a lot of feeling into something.

4. Be Swamped

Nothing to do with the humidity, to be Swamped is to have so much to do, you can`t do anything at all, a very common feeling.

And there are so many more, what are your favorite phrases and idioms?