
アミティースクールニュース アミティースクールニュースAmity School News


Peanut Brittle 🥜

Hello Everyone!

January 26th is National Peanut Brittle day.

Do you like nuts? If yes then I'm sure you also like peanut brittles.

What are peanut brittles?

Peanut brittles are a hard type of sweet made from butter and sugar; it contains peanuts. Real peanuts coated with a delicious sweet glaze made of sugar, vanilla, peanut and ginger.

The Peanut Brittle is a popular and classic Jamaican snack.

It is a convenient snack that makes for a great *pick-me-up whenever you need a boost in energy. It is also a healthy alternative to other processed snacks, and is the perfect addition to your diet.

If you love the crunch that comes from salty roasted nuts embedded in a buttery hard sugar bark and broken into multiple pieces, you’ll be excited to celebrate National Peanut Brittle Day on January 26, 2024!

*A pick-me-up is something that you have or do when you are tired or depressed in order to make you feel better




アミティー高梁校 TEL. 0866-23-0901

Just Do It!! 🌠

Hello everyone!!

I hope your weeks have been going well.

Today is "Just Do It Day". January 24 is celebrated as National “Just Do It” Day annually.

“Just Do It” is the slogan of shoe company Nike, and it is one of the most recognizable components of Nike’s brand.

It is a day that inspires us to do new things or to finally just do that one thing that we’ve been procrastinating for a while. It inspires us to start changing things in life by doing the one tiny thing we keep leaving undone — making that phone call, working out, cleaning, or starting your English journey with us at Amity.

One step can make a big change.



新春キャンペーン締切までは、あと1週間です! 毎月締切1週間前から混みあいます。29日(月)は特別受付開講致しますので、ぜひ学習相談会にお越し下さい✨







アミティー高梁校 TEL. 0866-23-0901

Studying English in Japan

Hello everyone!!

I trust you are all doing well today! 😊😊

Let's read about the best ways to study English. 🏫

There are three major ways to study English with us here at Amity. These are:

Group lessons⭐ 📚
Group lessons are a good way to share the learning experience and use what you have learnt. Speaking English with a variety of people in a class is great practice for when you will speak outside the class. It is a time to communicate your thoughts and ideas.

Here at Amity we offer group lessons for people of all ages.

One-to-One lessons⭐📝
One-to-One lessons are great for learning specific English parts that suit you. The materials in these lessons should support your self-study and your questions answered in a way you can understand. Personalised guidance is given which includes feedback on your successes and failures.

Join us for private lessons here at Amity to practice English in regards to your interests and work on personal goals.

Self-studying is good to review what you have just learnt or what you are about to learn. You can never study too much. You can also prepare questions for a One-to-One or Group lessons whenever you decide to get a more interpersonal approach.

Here at Amity we also offer online self-study lessons where you will have access to weekly lessons on your electronic devices. You can connect from home or any location of your choice.

Start/Continue your English journey with us today!!✨🎊
Please contact us for more information

アミティー高梁校 スタッフ一同
TEL. 0866-23-0901

Articles: A, An and The

Hello everyone!

Let's read about when to use "a" and "an".

There are 26 letters in the English Alphabet, they are classified into two parts: consonants and vowels. Vowel letters are “a, e, i, o, u” and sometimes y. The other letters in the alphabet are called consonants.

We can use articles before nouns.

We use articles (a /an) before singular nouns:

We put “a” to singular nouns beginning with a consonant . For example: a car, a girl, a bike, a zoo, a dog.

We put “an” to singular nouns beginning with a vowel. For example: an elephant, an egg, an apple, an igloo, an umbrella, etc.

We put “a” to singular nouns beginning with a consonant sound. For example: a user ( when the first letter “ u “ sounds like ‘yoo’, so ‘a’ is used) a university, a uniform, etc.

We put “an” to nouns starting with silent “h”: an hour.

We put “a” to nouns starting with a pronounced “h” such as: a horse.

Examples of using "a", "an" and "the".

I saw a lion and an elephant on safari.
The lion was scary.

I've got "a" pencil and "an" eraser.
There's "a" big umbrella and "an" orange pencil case in my bag.

The first time we mention a noun, we use a or an. The next time, we use the.

She had "a" sandwich and "an" apple for lunch. She didn't like "the " sandwich.
We've got an old car. The car is blue.

We don't usually use articles for people's names, countries or meals. (No articles are usually used for people names, countries and meals)

My best friend is called Mai. -name
Is she from Japan? -country
They had breakfast at 9 o'clock. -meal


How was your vacation? どんな冬休みだったかな?

みなさん、冬休みはどうでしたか?どこかに行きましたか?お年玉で何か買ったかな? みなさんの冬休みについて、レッスンで教えてくださいね♪

アミティー高梁校 TEL. 0866-23-0901


Parts of Speech (Preposition)

Hello everyone! Happy New Year!

Let's continue reading about Parts of Speech.

Today we will read about, "Preposition".

What is a Preposition?

A preposition is a word that tells you where or when something is in relation to something else. For example, before, after, under, and toward are all common examples of prepositions.
These are words that specify a location or location in time.

Prepositions are short words that usually come before nouns and, sometimes, also before verbs. These words never change their spelling.

Examples of Preposition

The book is under the table. ‘Under’ is a preposition.
The bee sat on the flower. ‘On’ is a preposition.

Some other examples of prepositions are across, around, behind, above, inside, outside.