
アミティースクールニュース アミティースクールニュースAmity School News


Sharing laughs.

Last week, my students have been at their funniest!
I must say, I have been brought to almost tears by some of the
funny things they have said!

One of my P4 Students, "K" asked her classmate,
who kept acting silly and falling asleep, if he had drunk some alcohol before class.
It was so startling, that it made me laugh. I was so shocked that she said that!

The next one was one of my JC students "Y". I wanted them to pretend to be greatly shocked and gasp. One of students "T", after a lot of struggling and laughing managed to do it. I asked "Y" and he said, he can't. I said he did it, why not you? He was hilarious as he explained that he was not like his classmate and that he will not be doing what he is doing. This was all said in full English!

I cannot wait to hear what they say this week!

- Khanya (Kay) Sensei

Big groups, big voices

One of the biggest challenges I face for my elementary age students is the class sizes.

Having so many friends and classmates to practice with is wonderful, but it means everyone has to share the speaking time and lessons can be quite loud.
My Tuesday class is a perfect example of this, there are seven students and the teacher in the room all together, Many of these students are friends from school and love to play together as well.

the two newest additions to the class `Y` and `O` joined us not too long ago from much smaller, quieter classes. `Y` has adapted over time and remains incredibly dilligent in her practice, even speaking clearer and more confidently in her effort to be heard over the others.

The other student, `O` has just joined us from a class of just two students and seems rather overwhelmed by the crowd, despite this, her work is always perfect and she is beyond focused.

I can see so much determination in the both of them, and their classmates can see it too, everyone has been working harder lately, and I couldn`t be more proud.

-Jordan Sensei






Lots of love!

It was Valentines day on Wednesday and a lot of our students shared some tasty treats with us!
From Unicorn shaped candy, to tasty chocolates,
The other teachers and I were so happy.
Thank you everyone!

It was so heart warming to hear Happy Valentines Day from some of my P4 students,
especially my student "H".

She is one of the sweetest students! Our class follows my lunch time and she makes it a point to
always greet me in the lobby when I get back.
She arrives early and is always eager with a big smile!

I look forward to it and I was quite touched when she presented me with her Valentinesday gift after class.
She never fails to surprise me! Thank you "H"!

- Khanya (Kay) Sensei


One of my Tuesday students, `H` has shown some of the purest enthusiasm for learning I think I have ever observed,
when we started taking classes together she was shy and quiet and quite upset to be away from mom.

These days it`s a different story, I know she is on her way for class because I can hear her running down the hall, giggling and shouting "mom, hurry hurry!" before every lesson, she greets me with the biggest smile and a squeezy hug.
On top of this `H` is incredibly clever, she finished her pre phonics books and learned the alphabet in only a few months and began on her first grade writing exercises right away, just yesterday while we practiced our big and small letters, she asked me to help her write "Mom, I love you!" and she was very proud to show her mom her first written sentence in English, Mom looked so proud!

-Jordan Sensei






Energy, Energy, ENERGY!

It seems that my Baby D student "K" has had an increase in energy during our lessons!
She was so excited last week, that she was laughing and running around the classroom.
"Khanya - Sensei, let's Go!" was one of the few phrases she kept saying before and after the lesson.

It was so much fun to see her not only speaking more freely in English, but her excitement had both me and mom,
more eager as well. She sings all her songs standing up and with a smile.
She is such a bright and clever student.

I find myself looking forward to more surprises and more energy from her in our class tomorrow!

- Khanya (Kay) Sensei

The End of a Chapter

As of this week, we have finished our 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade writing challenge!

Congratulations to all our wonderful students who have finished every page, those that did as much as they could, and even those that just wanted to give it a try.

I has been so nice to see everyone`s work, and see how their handwriting improved as they practiced.
Very soon we will begin binding the writing into little storybooks that each student can keep to remember, hey, you did this!

-Jordan Sensei



前回のレッスンは"Which one do you like?" "I like -er one."という構文で、みんなで好きなものを選んだあと、左右に分かれてお互いに質問しあう練習をしました。



Super Moms!

Wednesday is my Super Moms day!
Both my students "M" and "M" have both been coming to my classes for Adults on Wednesdays.
They both juggle a full working schedule with work and home, as well as having grown children.

I am so proud of both these moms as they make time every Wednesday morning and evening to come to classes.
Slowly but surely, they have been making steady and remarkable improvement! my 1st student "M" has classes in the morning and she has been wanting to express herself more in English and this week, she was able to have a conversation in English about showing gratitude. We spoke about using it at her workplace and she was able to understand and use the phrases!

My second student "M" comes to my last lesson of the day and we have been building all of her English skills as she will be interacting with foreign people as part of her job. She was able to understand parts of speech, prepositions and other related grammar rules and write out a full English sentence all on her own, as well as telling me a hilarious story mostly in English! She has come a long way from not being able to understand much a few months ago!

Their progress let's me know that team work, really makes the dream work!

- Khanya (Kay) Sensei