
アミティースクールニュース アミティースクールニュースAmity School News


Hello and Goodbye

There are many times in the year when our classes change.

I have been very excited to say Hello to new students recently, the wonderfully clever `K` and `T` have joined my first grade classes. K is unbelievably sweet and always greets her teacher and classmates with a big bright smile. T is fiery and witty and wants to join every game and say every word as boldly as he can, Their enthusiasm has made classes a delight and I am so excited to see their progress going forward.

At the same time, we have sadly said goodbye to some students, `A` `Y`, and `L` have had their last lessons now with me. Y is a spirited student who always spoke his mind in class. A was a beginner who found his footing quickly and enjoyed playing with his classmates. and lastly L, who started the year so shy and quiet I rarely heard her voice, watching her grow her confidence over the past six months and become so bright and sharp in class was truly a gift.

At times life may take us away from each other, but we can always say `This isn`t goodbye, it`s just See You Later` and think of each other going forward.





それがTOEIC Bridgeです。

アミティーでは年3回 8月・12月・3月にテストがあります。


Idiom of the day!

Today's idiom of the day is:

WHat does it mean?
A person who loves staying up late into the night.
People like this usually prefer to be active after dark.

Example: My brother is an early bird who likes to study in the morning, but I’m a night owl so I always study at night.

Stay tuned for another be-WITCHing and HOWL-arious spooky themed idiom!

Halfway to Halloween!

Are you excited for Halloween? It`s only two weeks away now.

The first full moon after the Harvest Moon quite often falls in October and even has its own name. Known as the Hunter’s Moon, it’s one of the only two full moons (along with the Harvest Moon) that aren’t connected to a specific month. Depending on the year the Hunter’s Moon either falls in October or November.

It wouldn’t be October without Halloween, which is celebrated on October 31st. The celebration’s origins go all the way back to the Gaelic people of modern-day England, Scotland, and Ireland, who celebrated the festival of Samhain (Sah-Waen), When spirits and the dead were believed to return to our world. Among other activities, the original celebrants of Samhain would dress in costumes or disguises and go door-to-door receiving gifts of food, much like how today’s children dress up and receive treats!

The costumes were to fool the Spirits and monsters, who would ruin crops and steal children. By dressing in disguises and going from house to house `taking` food and treats, the Spirits couldn`t tell who was human and who was not, and so everyone would be safe.

Originally we did not give Candy on Halloween, instead, Sweet preserved crops, breads and other delicious fall foods were shared with children, who would soon have to eat much simpler meals through the winter.

Spooky News!

Here are more Un-BOO-lievable facts about Halloween!

1. Dracula was a Real Person.
2. A Full Moon Infrequently Falls on Halloween.
3. The Michael Myers' Mask in Halloween was Used First on Star Trek.
4. Candy Corn Was Originally Called Chicken Feed.
5. Jack-o’-Lanterns Were Inspired by an Irish Folktale.
6. Fear of Halloween is Called Samhainophobia.
7. Finding a Spider on Halloween is Considered Good Luck!
8. There’s Actually a Halloween Song!

This Halloween is going to be absolutely fang-tastic!


All about October

October is a pretty special month, so here`s some fun facts about it!

This month’s name stems from the Latin octo, “eight,” because this was the eighth month of the early Roman calendar. When the Romans converted to a 12-month calendar, the name October stuck despite the fact that it’s now the 10th month!

did you know Oct. 12 is National Fossil Day! do you have any cool fossils in your collection?

Oct: 24–Nov. 11 is also World Origami Days, so lets get folding!

Folklore for the Season
When deer are in a gray coat in October, expect a hard winter.
Much rain in October, much wind in December.
A warm October means a cold February.
In October dung your field, and your land its wealth shall yield.

Idiom of the day!

Today's Idiom of the day has a spooky theme!

What does it mean?
It means to say everything, tell all the secrets!

Example: Okay, spill your guts — I want to hear whatever it is you’ve been hiding from me.

English has idioms to match any and every occassion.
Look out for more Halloween styled idioms this month!

On this Day!

On this day in...

1956 The first perfect game in Major League Baseball World Series
New York Yankees’ Don Larsen pitched the only no-hitter game against the Brooklyn Dodgers in the history of the World Series.

1871, the Great Chicago Fire began in the barn of Patrick and Catherine O'Leary, and, by the time the blaze died out two days later, a large swath of the city had been devastated and some 300 people killed. this caused many changes in how we handle fire safety.

1645 First hospital in Montreal, Quebec founded, the Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal by nurse Jeanne Mance

1604 Supernova "Kepler's nova" first sighted by Lodovico delle Colombe in Italy




Did you know?

Here are some interesting facts about Halloween!

1. The holiday dates back more than 2,000 years: Halloween is even older than Christianity itself. It all started as a pre-Christian Celtic festival called Samhain, which means "summer's end."

2. Trick-or-treating has existed since medieval times: Taking candy from strangers on one night a year (and one night only!) isn't a new or uniquely American tradition. Back then, it was known as "guising" in Scotland and Ireland.

3. There's also traditional Halloween bread in Ireland: It's called barmbrack or just "brack." The sweet loaf typically contains dark and golden raisins, as well as a small hidden toy or ring.

4. The fastest pumpkin carving ever only took 16.47 seconds: Stephen Clarke of New York holds the Guinness Book of World Records distinction, having speedily carved his lantern in October 2013.

5. Princesses and superheroes rank as the most popular kids' costumes!

Look out for more spook-tacular fun facts!