
アミティースクールニュース アミティースクールニュースAmity School News


I can show you the world...

One of my P1 students has become super fascinated by Disney.
She absolutely loves singing the songs at home and has now started to sing them to me in class.
She practices them, with her parents and gives me little concerts in the class!
It is the cutest and sweetest thing I have ever seen and heard.
She really loves singing and speaking English.

She is so good at it! It makes me so proud to be her teacher, especially when she sings!
Her latest concert was " I can show you the world" from Aladdin.

- Khanya (Kay) Sensei









Hello, How are You?

This week has been an excellent opportunity for our students to test their conversation skills.

With a new teacher greeting them in the lobby, everyone has been very curious, one of my P4 students, `T` came to class and immedietely asked me "the new teacher, who is that? where is he from?"
With some encouragement, he, and a few other students, took the chance in the lobby to introduce themselves and ask questions about Micheal.

I have had the joy of experiencing the reverse as well, Several of our new Aeon students have made the effort to stop and introduce themselves in the lobby, it has been so wonderful to see students on both sides be perhaps a little shy, but trying their best all the same!

-Jordan Sensei

Making a room and Saying bye

Many things have happened this week! Aeon and Amity have officially merged and this was the first week!
It has been really interesting watching how the students have reacted to having a New Face in the lobby.
I have gotten plenty, "Teacher, who is that?" or "What's his name?". Some were a little scared to approach him, but soon found out how friendly and approachable he is! It was lovely to see the students get over their shyness and fear to greet him.
We're happy to have Teacher Micheal with us now!

On the other side, Wednesday was the last day for one of my P4 students "H", who is moving this month. I was and still am very sad about it, as she was one of the first students I bonded with when I started at Amity. Her P4 class was my very first solo class and they were so great that it was one of the best classes I have ever taught. Since then our bond has grown. I am happy she will still take online lessons until she finds a new school. She is a wonderful, bright, sweet and funny student and I will miss her so much. We will miss her so much!

Making room and saying bye, has made this a very busy and emotional week indeed.

- Khanya (Kay) Sensei






New Friends, New Faces

Today marks the day that Kure Amity and Kure AEON merge,

The school has been abuzz with energy getting our new teacher, Micheal settled in and we`re so excited to meet the students who will be joining us.

Big changes can be a bit overwhelming and scary no matter who you are, So I hope we can help everyone settle in and feel comfortable through this strange process!

-Jordan Sensei




A little push.

Sometimes being a Teacher, means giving your students a little push in the right direction.
Whether it's ging them a kind word, extra motivation or even extra homework.
It's all about giving them what they need to make it through a test, assignment or even an interview.

A lot of the time, it becomes really hard to figure what a student needs, especially when they are nervous
and you may not be particularly familiar with them. Or trying to decide what might work best.
It's all about trial and a little bit of error. (Hopefully not too much)

I hope that the little pushes, I have given my students have been of some help and
at least assured them that they are doing a good job and making their teacher proud!

- Khanya (Kay) Sensei

It`s Time!

Today Marks the day that all of our students have been preparing so hard for.
Today they will sit their Interview tests.

I know many of our students are very nervous, But I hope that each and every one of them knows that their teachers here at Amity are cheering for them.
Over the last few weeks we have all been working with them to practice their answers for the test, running through demos with every step from entering the room to the moment they say goodbye, I personally have seen students go from fumbling through the steps one by one, seeing them for the first time, to confidently knocking on the door, ready to begin.

To each student I have reminded them that the most important thing they can do is breathe and believe in themselves and their hard work. I hope that they will all recieve a result that they can be happy with! Fight, Fight Everyone!

-Jordan Sensei