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On this day in history

On this day in history: 26th June

1945 The United Nations Charter is signed.
1936 The world's first practical helicopter lifts off.
1925 Charlie Chaplin's film “The Gold Rush” receives its premiere.
1906 The first Grand Prix car race is held.

Let's enjoy and remember this interesting day in history!

More History Facts

On this day in History, June 25th

In 1950: The Korean War began
In 1967: The first global broadcast on TV, featured the Beatles singing `All you need is love`
In 1978: the first version of the LGBT rainbow flag was seen at a San Francisco Pride march
In 1982: Rain, the South Korean pop star, was born
In 1984: Prince released the song `Purple Rain`

And so much more! June 25th is a very musical day, Make sure you listen to your favorite song today to celebrate!



海外には行けないけど行きたい… そんな皆様に!
セットや単品、持ち帰りを英語で何と言えばいいのか… 聞いてみましょう!



Language Learning Tips

Needs some tips to help you on your langugae learning journey? Have a look here:

Set your language goals. Setting goals brings all kinds of benefits when it comes to learning.
Learn common vocabulary.
Find a style that works for you.
Practice speaking.
Connect with a native speaker.
Watch and read media.
Engage with the culture.
Make travel plans.

Most importantly...NEVER GIVE UP!

On this day

On this day in history, June 22nd

In 1815: Napoleon Bonaparte abdicated for a second time as Emperor of the French.
In 1934 : The work on first prototypes of The Peoples Car what became the (Volkswagen Beetle) was started by Ferdinand Porsche.
In 1949: American Actress, Meryll Streep, was born.
In 1955: The animated musical Lady and the Tramp, one of Walt Disney's most endearing movies, was released in U.S. theatres.
In 1978: Charon, the largest moon of Pluto, was discovered.

And so much more! It was a very busy day for History.




Fun Facts about English

Thinking about learning English? Well here are some fun and interesting facts to know about the langugae you're going to use in the future!

1. English is spoken by 952 million people around the world
339 million people speak English as a first language, and 603 million speak it as a second language. It is the official language in 67 countries and 27 non-sovereign countries such as Hong Kong.

2. Most English grammar and spelling follow standardised rules
Dr.Johnson’s Dictionary of 1755 sets out the rules of English grammar and spelling. This dictionary was the first to comprehensively document the English lexicon and is one of the most famous dictionaries in history, taking over 8 years to compile.

3. The most used adjective in the English language is ‘good’
The most common noun in the English Language is ‘time’, and the most mispronounced (and often misspelt) word in the English language is ‘Pronunciation’.

4. The longest word in the English language contains 45 letters
The forty-five letter word, ‘pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis’, refers to a lung disease caused by inhalation of fine silca dust. The second longest word in the English language dictionary is ‘Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia’, that ironically means the fear of long words.

5. Some English words are formed by combining two words together
For instance, ‘Hangry’ is a word in the English dictionary that combines two words together. The word combines ‘hungry’ and ‘angry’, describing the feeling of being irritated as a result of hunger. Hangry was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in January 2018.

If you didn't know...now you do!


Did you know, Japan Edition

Did you know...
Animated Japanese films and television shows (i.e.: Anime) account for 60% of the world’s animation-based entertainment.

Did you know...
29% of the Japanese population is aged 65 and older, the highest proportion in the world.
Japan has more than 85,000 people who are over 100 years old. Most of them are women.

Did you know...
Japanese trains are among the world’s most punctual: their average delay is just 18 seconds!

Did you know...
In Japan there are more pets than children. Maybe cats can sign up for English classes too!

“Japan never considers time together to be wasted. Rather, It is time invested.” – Donald Richie



'You did a wonderful job!'
'Good job!'
'Great job!'


The Very First Standardized Test

Tests or exams, of any kind, can be very difficult...but who was the first person or place to invest testing? Where did this stressful and often scary experience come from? How long has it been around for? it didn't just happen over night. Lets take a look at where it all began...

The ancient Chinese government conducted standardized testing to help select candidates for government jobs. In 1806, England adopted this method for its civil service positions as well, although standardized testing did not make it to universities until the 1850s. The European education system had long relied on oral exams, but it began adopting written standardized tests in part so that those grading the tests would not be influenced by the identity of the test taker. In the United States, as Horace Mann worked to modernize the education system, standardized testing was introduced to not only evaluate a student’s knowledge and abilities, but also the work of the teacher and institution.

Always remember this for your next test or exam...
“Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will.” ― VENUS WILLIAMS, THE FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN WORLD NO. 1 TENNIS PLAYER IN THE MODERN ERA