One of our university students is studying for the EIKEN medical exam! We are focusing on vocabulary. Today we discussed compound words, and how to break down new words using roots, prefixes and suffixes.
Are you an adult learner with a specific goal? We can make a private lesson just for you!
We have openings for adult trial lessons through 2025/31/1. Please reach by the website or phone for the schedule for April onwards!
大学生や大人向けの体験レッスンは1/31まで! 4月以降のスケジュールはホームページまたはお電話にてお問い合わせください!
4月~スケジュールが確定しました✱ 各クラス若干名空きがあります!
✱小学4年5年6年 ・・・火木金土17:10開講!
4月~のお申込みは1月中にお早目にご相談下さい♪ 047-312-0033
How much vs. How many? 加算名詞と不加算名詞の学習をしました★
In the class for elementary students , we learned about the difference of "How much" and "How many" this week.We used the sentences "How much mustard do you want in your chili dog?" and "How many pickles do you want in your cheeseburger?" We use "How much~" if it follows uncountable nouns like mustard, hot sauce, lettuce and so on. We use "How many~" if it follows countable nouns like pickles, green peppers and so on.
If you want to understand practical sentences like these and practice it in conversation, please come and visit us to observe the lessons and try! Amity is offering English conversation classes for elementary school students! We offer group lessons and private lessons on days and times starting February or April . Now is your last chance! We look forward to hearing from you!
小学高学年クラスで今週、 "How much mustard do you want in your chili dog?" "How many pickles do you want in your cheeseburger?"など、数えられる名詞、数えられない名詞の質問を学習しました♪種類分けが少し難しい単語もありましたが、iLessonでみんな楽しそうに相談しながら、種類別に分けられましたね!
In our adult group lesson this past week, we focused on sentences to talk about what has happened to you! For example ”One day, while I was driving to work, I got a flat tire!「ある日、車で仕事に行っている間に、タイヤがパンクしてしまいました!」”After learning the structure, we practiced telling each other about something that happened recently.This pattern is great if you want to tell your friends a story about your week!
先週の大人のグループレッスンでは、自分に起こった出来事について話す文章を学習しました!タイヤがパンクする=flat tireを使います♪現在アミティーでは大人の為の英会話クラスを新規開講中!2月または4月スタートグループ・プライベート・曜日時間は今が最終チャンスでご希望にあうかも?お問い合わせお待ちしています!