Unit 1 / Unit 6 Lesson 3 (外国人会話レッスン)オンデマンド動画の宿題に関しまして
【年中・年長クラス Eコース】
(Page 2, Right Side, Pocket 3)
In the activity, is the oval big or little?
1. It is little.
2. It is big.
【小学校低学年 Iコース】
(Page 2, Right side, Pocket 3)
What does Mr. Brown's hair look like?
1. It looks like a marshmallow.
2. It looks like smoke.
【小学校高学年 Lコース】
(Page 2, Right side, Pocket 4)
What is the button pattern on the video game controller?
In the last activity, which two characters sang the duet?
What does the teacher want to do in Kyoto?
In the photo album activity, which character lost their phone privileges?
What are you afraid of?
Unit 1 / Unit 6 Lesson 2 (外国人会話レッスン)オンデマンド動画の宿題に関しまして
【年中・年長クラス Eコース】
(Page 2, Left Side, Pocket 2)
In the activity, which shapes matched?
1. pink squares
2. yellow stars
【小学校低学年 Iコース】
(Page 2, Left side, Pocket 2) In the monster race, what is Yumi's costume?
1. a fairy
2. a witch
【小学校高学年 Lコース】
In the last activity, how long have you been playing the recorder?
What does the teacher always remember to do when she goes on a trip?
What's inside dad's suitcase?
Did you hear what happened to Akiko? (In the activity)
Should students be required to eat school lunch instead of a packed lunch? Why or why not?
↓ 9月にご入会いただきました方には、下記のキャンペーンを適用させていただきます♪↓
Unit 1 / Unit 6 Lesson 1 (外国人会話レッスン)オンデマンド動画の宿題に関しまして
【年中・年長クラス Eコース】
(Page 2, Right Side, Pocket 3)
In the activity, is the cheese a big rectangle or a little rectangle?
1. a big rectangle
2. a little rectangle
【小学校低学年 Iコース】
(Page 2, Left side, Pocket 4) What did the teacher find first?
1. chocolate
2. a parrot
【小学校高学年 Lコース】
How many points did the teacher get in the dodgeball activity?
In the first activity, who does the wizard costume belong to?
How much is the scenic train ride ticket?
What happened to Emma? What did you hear?
What do you like to do in the fall?