P4 - Let's learn about our senses! 感覚について学ぼう!
In our P4 level classes this week we are learning all about our senses! Our senses include: seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling/touching, and smelling. The ones you likely hear the most in English are "see" and "hear". You may hear your teacher say, "I see that!" or "I can hear you." frequently in class. Let's go over what body part is used for what sense.
See - Eyes
Hear - Ears
Taste - Tongue
Feel/touch - Hands/skin
Smell - Nose
Think about the various things you see, hear, taste, touch and smell in a day and practice saying these things out loud, try telling your teacher things you sensed on your way to class!
今週のP4レベルクラスでは、五感について学びます!五感とは、見る、聞く、味わう、感じる/触る、嗅ぐ、などです。英語で最もよく耳にするのは 「see 」と 「hear 」でしょう。授業中に先生が 「I see that!」とか 「I can hear you. 」と言っているのをよく耳にすると思います。では、体のどの部分がどのような感覚に使われるのか、確認してみましょう。
見る - 目
聞く - 耳
味覚 - 舌
感じる・触る - 手・皮膚
嗅ぐ - 鼻
ユニット1 レッスン3 外国人オンデマンドQuestion
10/17- 10/21 - start, stop, study
【ユニット1 レッスン3 外国人オンデマンドQuestion】
【Page 2, Right Side, Pocket 3】
In the activity, is the oval big or little?
1. It is little.
2. It is big.
【page 2, right side, pocket 3】
What does Mr. Brown's hair look like?
① It looks like a marshmallow.
② It looks like smoke.
What is the button pattern on the video game controller?
P7 - Making Plans
For our P7 classes this week we are focusing on the process of deciding what to do. In particular we are using the words "First" and "Next".
Think about your own daily routine, what do you do as soon as you wake up? Thats what you do first. What comes after that? Thats what you do next. Do you ever find yourself debating what needs to come next?
For example: Which should I do next, brush my teeth or take a shower?
Try using the language pattern in your own daily life to practice as much as you can!
今週のP7クラスでは、何をすべきかを決めるプロセスに焦点を当てています。特に 「First 」と 「Next 」という言葉を使います。
例えば、こうだ: 歯を磨くのとシャワーを浴びるのと、どっちを先にすればいいんだろう?
P4 - This and That! これとそれ!
In our P4 classes this week we are focusing on using this and that. This and that can be a little confusing to differenciate, so lets make sure we all understand!
We use this for things that are close to us.
For example: This is my eraser, this is my shirt, this is a dog.
So when we ask, what is this? We are asking about something close to us.
We use that for things that are far away from us.
For example: That is a cat, that us your bag, that is my pencil.
So when we ask, what is that? We are asking about what is far away from us.
例えば これは消しゴム、これはシャツ、これは犬。
例えば それは猫、それはあなたのバッグ、それは私の鉛筆。
ユニット1 レッスン2 外国人オンデマンドQuestion
10/8- 10/12 - speak, stand
【ユニット1 レッスン2 外国人オンデマンドQuestion】
【Page 2, Left Side, Pocket 2】
In the activity, which shapes matched?
1. pink squares
2. yellow stars
【page 2, left side, pocket 2】
In the monster race, what is Yumi's costume?
① a fairy
② a witch
In the last activity, how long have you been playing the recor